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Series CTY Wet Permanent Magnetic Pre-Separator

CTY series permanent magnet wet primary machine is designed for magnetic ore grinding behind the tail wet type magnetic separator.

Series CTY Wet Permanent Magnetic Pre-Separator

Series CTY Wet Permanent Magnetic Pre-Separator

CTY series permanent magnet wet primary machine is designed for magnetic ore grinding behind the tail wet type magnetic separator.

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Product advantages

Product advantages

1Series CTY wet pre-separator drum surface using wear-resistant ceramic ,prolong the life time

2Particle size can reach up to 16mm

3Magnetic system angle is 138°, to increase the sorting processing, concentrate grade improved 2-4%

Working principle

Series CTY wet pre-separator drum surface using wear-resistant ceramic ,prolong the life time,Particle size can reach up to 16mm,Magnetic system angle is 138°, to increase the sorting processing, concentrate grade improved 2-4%。

Working principle

Technical Parameters

Model Roller DiameterRolle LengthMagnetic FieldProcessing Capacity (ton/h)Motor Power kwWeight kg
CTY-1015 1015150035-657.53800

The above technical parameters of quartz Case

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