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GSS hindered settling machine

GSS hindered settling machine

1 Grading of coarse minerals 2 Applicable for granular control instead of sizing screen.

【Material size】: -5mm
【Production capacity】: 50t/h
【Model】: GSS hindered settling machine
【Applications】: 1 Strict classification of silica s or
other coarse fine minerals
2 Used for separation of minerals with
with density differences
【Applicable materials】: Silica s, quartz s, potash feldspar soda feldspar

GSS hindered settling machine

1 Grading of coarse minerals 2 Applicable for granular control instead of sizing screen.

【Material size】: -5mm
【Production capacity】: 50t/h
【Model】: GSS hindered settling machine
【Applications】: 1 Strict classification of silica s or
other coarse fine minerals
2 Used for separation of minerals with
with density differences
【Applicable materials】: Silica s, quartz s, potash feldspar soda feldspar

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Working principle

separating according to different settling velocity in the water due to different particle size, density or shape of minerals

Working principle

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